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“Heal the soul first,
mind and body will follow”

Dr. & Master Sha

life question coaching

Are you faced with an important choice?

Are you looking for meaning and happiness?

Do you want to become who you really are?

In four to eight coaching sessions you will discover:

What really makes you happy

What you need to be in balance

What you can do to achieve this


Assignments covered include:

  • Biography

  • Journaling

  • Meditation

The approach focuses on ancient wisdom from the Tao and Buddhism.

Levensvraag coaching - Eiland in de stad
Levensvraag coaching - Eiland in de stad

steps in coaching

My goal as a coach is to help you formulate your question and find answers to your life question of this moment.


To do this, we follow these steps:

  • Free telephone consultation

  • Quotation containing my proposal for the approach

  • Extensive intake of 1.5 hours

  • Coach trajectory of 4 to 8 coaching conversations

  • Interim assignments

  • Evaluation of the coaching trajectory


The coaching takes place at the foot of a hundred-year-old willow tree in Breukelen or online.

“When asked about the meaning of life,
replies each with his own course of life”

Gyorgy Konrad



Saskia heeft mij bijgestaan in mijn proces om het roer om te gooien. Ze heeft mij een aantal belangrijke dingen doen inzien en geholpen bij de stappen die ik vervolgens wilde zetten. Daarbij wist zij telkens de juiste snaar te raken en toon te zetten. Ik raad haar van harte aan.

Eveline Jacobs

Legal Counsel bij Ballast Nedam

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